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- All competitorsmust reside in the Wychavon Parish or Ward they are representing. This is because it is an Inter-Parish Competition. Where a person resides between more than one Wychavon Parish/Ward, they may only play for the Parish/Ward in which they predominantly reside. Being on the electoral roll for a Parish does not in itself constitute residency.
- Competitors who are studying full-time at University or College will be eligible to compete for the Parish/Ward where they normally reside until they have completed their course.
- Where an ineligible competitor has been found to have breached these rules, then that Parish/Ward will forfeit all points gained in that event.
- Each Captain shall provide two copies of the names and addresses of their team members; this must include the full postal address of each team member. One of these should be retained by the Home Captain, and the other should be retained by the Away Captain for the duration of this year’s Parish Games.
- If a team does not comply with the requests above or fails to provide the team’s details as required, then any points gained will be forfeited, and the team will not be allowed to continue in the event, unless there are circumstances which were beyond their control.
- Matches must not start until both Team Captains have completed their lists.
- Any queries prior to the event should be made to the Event Organiser or to the WPGA Secretary before 9.00pm.
- Following the event, any dispute or protest must be made by the Team Captain to the WPGA Secretary within 24 hours of the event. In the first instance, this can be done verbally, and only by the Team Captain, so that the facts can be established.
- If the matter is not resolved, then any further protest should be put in writing to the WPGA Secretary within 7 days of the event taking place.
- Abuse of any of the people identified in the WPGA Abuse Policy will not be tolerated by the Committee. (Team Captains and competitors must be made aware of the contents of this policy. This will be included in the pack sent out with the rules.)
- Once a team has withdrawn from an event, they will not be allowed to re-enter.
- Where a Parish/Ward has entered an event, but does not then take part, they will be deducted 2 points from their Parish/Ward’s overall score unless they have given the Event Organiser a minimum of 48 hours’ notice of their non participation, or there were extenuating circumstances.
- All Teams shall consist of Five Players.
- All games shall commence at 8.00pm.
- To be played under World Eightball Pool Federation rules, copies of which are available on the WEPF Website – www.wepf.org
- Tables must be standard 6ft x 3ft or 7ft x 4ft.
- Minimum playing surface must be 6ft x 3ft (182.88cm x 91.44cm); playing surface being the flat slate area between the cushion faces; the cushion faces being the part of the cushion that the ball(s) contact.
- Play will be of five singles Matches, each of the Best of three Games.
- Home players will be responsible for the finances of the table.
- Players will toss a coin for the choice of break.
- All matches are to be played on a Home or Away basis.
- After the initial rounds the Organiser will, wherever possible, ensure that a Team which played Away in a previous Round, plays at Home in a subsequent round. In a case where both winning Teams played at Home or Away, the Organiser will have the final decision.
- The Team that is drawn at Home is responsible for the Venue and Date of each Match to be played. They will contact the Away Team and fix the evening by giving THREE possible dates. These must not be on the same day of the week and should preferably not be in the same week
- Failure to comply with Rule 16 above within 10 days of the date by which the Match is due to be played will concede home advantage to the Away Team. The Away Captain will then arrange for the Match to be played by the due date.
- All matches must be played by the date shown on the draw sheet.
- The date of the Final will be arranged by the Event Organiser in conjunction with the two Captains and will take place on a mutually convenient date at a neutral venue.
- The Result is to be phoned, emailed or texted by the winning Team Captain to the Event Organiser no later than 48 hours after the Match.
Event Organiser- Darren Selvey
07962 236327