Parish Games 2024

Click Here for Results



Pershore Airfield, Long Lane, Throckmorton WR10 2JH

01386 556808

Sunday 30thJune 2024

at Badsey Community& Sports Club, Brewers Lane, Badsey, Evesham, WR11 7EU

Registration from 9.00amPrompt Start at 9.30am


  1. All competitorsmust reside in the Wychavon Parish or Ward they are representing.  This is because it is an Inter-Parish Competition.  Where a person resides between more than one Wychavon Parish/Ward, they may only play for the Parish/Ward in which they predominantly reside. Being on the electoral roll for a Parish does not in itself constitute residency.
    • Competitors who are studying full-time at University or College will be eligible to compete for the Parish/Ward where they normally reside until they have completed their course.
    • Where an ineligible competitor has been found to have breached these rules, then that Parish/Ward will forfeit all points gained in that event.
  2. The team details must be recorded on the team sheet, provided by WPGA, which was sent to Parishes that have entered.  This is for Insurance and Health and Safety reasons. 
    • The team sheet must provide the following details for each team member: name, full address with post code, and it must be signed by each team member.  By signing the team sheet, the team member confirms that he/she is medically able to take part in the event and is doing so at his/her own risk. 
    • For competitors under the age of 18 on the day of the event, the team sheet must be signed by their parent or guardian. 
    • The team sheet must be handed to a member of the Committee before the event starts.
    • If a team does not comply with the requests above or fails to provide the team’s details, then they will not be allowed to enter the event, unless there are circumstances which were beyond their control.  
    • Where a Parish/Ward has entered an event, but does not then take part, they will be deducted 2 points from their Parish/Ward’s overall score unless they have given a minimum of 48 hours’ notice of their non participation, or there were extenuating circumstances. 
  3. Abuse of any of the people identified in the WPGA Abuse Policy will not be tolerated by the Committee.  (Team Captains and competitors must be made aware of the contents of this policy.  This will be included in the pack sent out with the rules.)
  4. Once a team has withdrawn from an event, they will not be allowed to re-enter
  5. Any queries prior to the event should be made to the Event Organiser or to the WPGA Secretary before 9.00pm.
  6. Following the event, any dispute or protest must be made by the Team Captain to the WPGA Secretary within 24 hours of the event.  In the first instance, this can be done verbally, and only by the Team Captain, so that the facts can be established.
    • If the matter is not resolved, then any further protest should be put in writing to the WPGA Secretary within 7 days of the event taking place. 
  7. A team shall consist of a minimum of Six players, with a maximum of 12.  No more than 9 players can be on the pitch at any one time. 
  8. Where a Parish cannot get 9 women to form a team, they may make up the difference with up to TWO Men.
  9. Players must be 14 or over on the day of the event.  Proof of age may be required.
  10.  The draw will take place on the morning of the event.  Any team not registered by the time stated will not be able to take part. 
  11. Each Parish entered will be allocated to a group, where they will play all the other teams in that group.
  12. Only equipment that is provided will be used.  Individual players are not permitted to use their own equipment.
  13. Independent umpires will be provided, and their decision on all matters will be final. 
  14. No dissent will be tolerated, and any team that requires clarification of the rules should contact the Event Organiser for a resolution. 
  15. It is essential that all players are aware of the rules before the event.  
  16. Points awarded during the group stages:
    • As follows
      • 3 points for a win
      • 2 points for a draw
      • 0 points for a loss. 
    • The top teams in each group will advance to the semi-final and finals stage. 
    • If there are only 3 groups, then the best runner-up will also progress.  
      • If there is a tie at the end of the group stages, then the group placings will be determined on the following basis: 
        • The number of rounders scored
        • The difference between the number of rounders scored and the number of rounders conceded.
    • An innings will consist of 18 good balls
    • One rounder is scored if either of the following is achieved:
      • The ball is hit, and 4th post is reached before the next ball is bowled. 
      • The batter hits the ball, runs on a ‘no ball’ and 4th post is reached before the next ball is bowled (A batter cannot be caught out on a no ball). 
      • 4th post is reached after the ball is hit into the backward area; however, the batter must stay at 1st post.    Once the ball is put back into the forward area, a player may choose to run on to the next post.
    • ½ rounder is scored if the batter achieves any of the following:
      • The ball is hit, and 2nd or 3rd post are reached before the next ball is bowled.
      • The ball is hit, and 2nd or 3rd post are reached after the ball is hit into the backward area; however, the batter must stay at 1st post.  Once the ball is put back into the forward area, the batter may choose to run on to the next post. 
      • The ball is not hit, and 4th post is reached before the next ball is bowled. 
    • Penalties of ½ rounder will be awarded if:
      • The bowler delivers 2 consecutive no ball to the same batter. 
      • The batter is obstructed by a fielder.
      • A penalty of ½ a rounder will be awarded to the fielding team if one of their members is obstructed by a member of the batting team.  
    • All batters must wait in the backward area, not obstructing the field of play.
    • The batter’s foot is outside the batting square.
    • If out, the batter concerned must move away from the batters still in play, but must not obstruct 1st or 4th post, the backstop area or the vision of the umpire
    • Each batter will only have only good ball bowled to them. 
    • Batters can run on a no ball.  However, once they are within reach of 1st post, they cannot return and are deemed to have ‘taken’ the ball.  The batter may score in the normal way and cannot be caught out or stumped on 1st post.
    • When stopping at a post, the batter must keep contact with that post with either the bat or their hand until the next ball is bowled. 
      • On losing contact with the post, the batter may be stumped out by the fielding team at the next post.
    • The batter cannot move if the bowler has the ball in the bowling square.
    • The batter may move once the ball has been bowled, even if a no ball is called. 
    • 4th post must be touched on getting home.
    • There may be no more than 1 batter at a post, and there will be no overtaking by batters.  The first batter will be asked to move on in this instance. 
    • Caught
    • The batter runs inside a post, unless obstructed.
    • The post the batter is running towards is stumped
    • The batter loses contact with the post when the bowler has the ball in the bowling square
    • The batter overtakes
    • The batter obstructs a fielder
    • The batter deliberately throws the bat. 
    • If the batter’s foot projects over the front or back line of the batting square before the batter has hit the ball, or it has passed them. 
  21. NO BALL
    • A no ball is called when any of the following occurs:
      • There is not a smooth underarm action
      • The ball is bowled below the knee or above the head (in a normal standing position)
      • The ball bounces on its way to the batter
      • The ball is greater than a bat’s reach wide of, or straight at the body as the ball is bowled.
      • The bowler’s foot is outside the bowling square during the bowling action. 
  22. The men in the team cannot follow each other in the batting order
  23. Where the batting team has 9 players, there must be two women between each man in the batting order

Event Organiser– ChloeBarrett
07766 111316


Position Team Points
1st Evesham Bengeworth 16
2nd Inkberrow 15
3rd equal Fladbury 13.5
3rd equal Sedgeberrow 13.5
5th Bretforton 12
6th Wyre Piddle 11
7th Wick 10
8th Harvington 9
9th Eckington 8
10th Broadway 7

*4 points scored in Group; placing decided on rounders scored
**2 points scored in Group; placing decided on rounders scored
***0 points scored in Group; placing decided on rounders scored/difference in rounders scored/conceded